In 1515 I assumed the power of the states of the House of Burgundy after the death of my paternal grand-mother, Mary of Burgundy. In 1516 after the death of my maternal grand-father Ferdinand, inherited states of the Hasburg heritage.
In 1517 I came to visit mother after twelve years without seeing her and hardly speak Castilian. I had a little conflict with my brother Ferdinand of Aragon to know who would keep the crown of Castile.
When I came to Spain I had to name Castilian nobles and castilian appoint the most important positions in the kingdom instead of the german princes.
I had military conflicts with Francis I, between 1521 and 1544. At this time I married Isabel of Portugal, my cousin. And my wife died in 1539.
Dear Carlos V, I am Martin Luther. I wonder if you are a supporter and follower of my reform to combat the abuses carried out by the Catholic Church because of the power of religion?