Nobody knows were I was born, but I was born in 1451. I was a navigator and cartographer. The crown of Castile appointed me Admiral, viceroy and governor General of India because I thought I had discovered the India but in reality, I was discover America. I thought that the Earth is spherical, but smaller that in reality is.
I went to Portugal to ask for aid to the king, and later I was go to ask for aid to Spanish kings and with their help I headed to the Indians wanting to travel around the world. The queen Isabel accept the idea and pay the travel. Make four trips to America.
On the first trip I left Huelva with the caravels the 'Pinta', the 'Niña' and the 'Santa Maria'. But about two months after we saw land, arrives at an island in the Bahamas but
I believe reach India. So discovered America but never knew.
In the second I was discovered Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico and found the city of La Isabella. This trip I did to explore, colonize and spread the Catholic faith, but I need returns to Spain because I was govern bad La Española. When I get to 'La Española' I found that La Española were unhappy, feeling cheated by me on the wealth they would find. In the third trip I was discover Trinidad and the estuary of the Orinoco.But the problem whit La Española obliged me to go to Spain and stay in prision when I was go out i was go to my last trip. I was visit Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. I vent to Spain the same year when I death.
Colon with all due respect, from my point of view astronomer, I find it ridiculous your idea that the Earth is so small. Please could you clarify for me, why you thought that the Earth was so small. And another thing, why you thought that you had reached the Indies if not nothing like them.
ReplyDeleteHello, Christopher Columbus I´m Martin Luther and I have two questions for you. Why don't you realize that the land did not belong to India? and Why follow when you decide to run out of food?
ReplyDeleteChristobal Columbus, I would like to launch new expeditions with you to the New World, the Americas, for explored his territories and also explored other routes between the Americas and Castile, more easier and safer. The expedition consist of five ships and it woulds be subsidized by Carlos I, who will receive the twenty-five percent of the benefits. We will bring only agricultural products, gold and slaves. The crew consist of 450 sailors, 15 cartographers, 5 captains, 100 soldiers, we, and the rest, cabin boys and pages. We disembark in Cuba creating a new settlement for a future expeditions.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for your time, by: Hernan Cortes.