Hi, I’m Leonardo DA Vinci, an Italian painter, considered one of the greatest painters of all time. I was born in Vinci, on April 15, in 1452, and I died at Amboise on May 2, in 1519.I studied with the famous Florentine painter, Andrea Verrocchio. I was considered an universal archetype and symbol of the Renaissance man, and I am also the person with the highest number of talents in various disciplines that has never existed among disciplines, including architecture, painting, science etc. In 1466 it was the year in which I began my learning with Andrea Del Verrocchio, and in this time exactly the great sculptor Donatello died. Michael Angel, Rafael and I were not of the same generation but we were considered to be three giants of the Renaissance. I spent my youth in my home in Florence. Isabel of East seems to have been my only female friend. I use the technique of the “sfumato”, a technique which involved blurring outlines to create a sense of depth, in my works and two of the most important works were the Giocconda and The Last Dinner. As a engineer and inventor,I developed ideas very ahead of my time, such as helicopter, tank, submarine and the automobile. Very few of my projects came to be build(including the machine to measure the yield strength of a cable). As a scientist,I made progress much knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering, optics and hydrodynamics.
Hello Leonardo Da Vinci, I'm Martin Luther. I wonder if you can make me a picture of myself to remember who I am. When do you prefer to make a picture for me?
ReplyDeleteWell, Martin, I'm a little busy this week, but I think that the next week we could stay in your home and discuss about the portrait that you want. I also need that you think what kind of portrait you want, profile, facing, and also what kind of landscape you want for the bottom. See you soon.
DeleteI´m Christopher Columbus and I like your projects and I think that you draw very good. Why don´t you go to Spain and speak with me about any machine that you could invent for me to go to america more quickly?
ReplyDeleteHi Christopher, I will be enchanted to collaborate with you in a machine to travel faster but, in that moment, I’m not in a very good economic position, so I think that maybe we could talk with letters instead of travel. And I think I’ve got an interesting idea to make your ships faster. The fastest ships of the world. I hope your answer.
DeleteI´m Donatello and I write you to ask if you would like to help me to carry out an order from Henry VIII. You must only sculpt an sculpture for her wife; it must be feminine and sophisticated.I count with your help. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteHello Donatello, I’ll be enchanted to help you with the sculpture. For example, I think that you could do the sculpture in marble, to enhance the female forms of the Henry’s wife. Maybe you have questions about how you could do it better so feel free to ask whatever you want to me. Bye, and good luck with your sculpture.
DeleteI´m Michelangelo,would you like to go to my home to talk about art? I am thinking in a new project and I
ReplyDeletethink that your knowledge can be useful for me. And you also could see my village that
maybe will inspire you. And if you come cuold you explain me what are your plains for
the new projects? I am available all this month 1i look forward to hearing from you.
Ok, I think that get to talk about art is a very nice idea. So, the 27th I haven’t got anything to do, what do you think about this date? And I heard about your village, people say that is very beautiful I’m anxious to see it. See you soon.
DeleteHi Copernicus,I’m a little busy this month, but I’ll try to do the posible for you to have your portrait. I think that the idea of the sky map is very interesting. When I finished your portrait I’ll send you a letter. I hope you like it. Bye bye.
DeleteGood morning Da Vinci, I’m Copernicus and I want you to draw a portrait for me, please. I want who the portrait show me with a sky map. Could you do it after the 24 may of the year 1543? I need it after this date. Thank you.