Thursday, April 19, 2012


I was born on December 15, 1485 at the Archbishop's Palace of Alcala of Henares.I was the daughter of my parents, who are, Philip II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. I was the granddaughter of King Edward III of England. I was like my mother, blond, blue eyes clear, intelligent and dedicated. When I was about children who studied French, Flemish, English, Latin, dance, music and other things. I saw the conquest of Granada. I was living there because my parents believed that Spain was the capital of Granada. Then I went with my family to Santa Fe. I went to England to marry Arthur gales. However, in the Bay of Biscay, the ship dismasted. Seven months later my husband died. On June 11, 1509 came the marriage to Henry VIII. It was a happy marriage, but had many problems:
In 1510, one of my daughters died after birth.
On January 1, 1511 my first child died 52 days.
In 1513, an abortion.
In 1514, my second son died one month.
In 1516 I had Maria of England.
In 1518 another abortion.

Finally, I died in 1536 of cancer, and my daughter Mary became Queen of England.


  1. Michelangelo Bounarotti5/18/2012 12:43 AM

    Dear Catalina,I am Michelangelo Bounaroti and I guess that you are really occupied, but I wonder if I could make you a portrait. I think that you really want it and I am so nervous to read your answer because for me It would be very special. You are a beautiful woman that´s the reason why I want to do your portrait.

    1. Catherine of Aragon5/18/2012 1:02 AM

      Dear Michelangelo
      Our posts were crossed. When I sent you my post, you sent me the same request. So, if we agree, we only have to make an appointment, if you want, I invite you to my palace and there you can paint a good portrait. Thank you for your compliments.


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